
Planning & Preparedness Overview

According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, an Emergency Preparedness Plan establishes arrangements in advance to enable timely, effective, and appropriate responses to hazardous events or emerging disaster situations.  It provides the overall strategy for minimizing the impact of an emergency, describes the organization and its collections, and clearly defines staff roles in varying emergency situations. An emergency plan will only be effective if your staff understand the plan and have the resources to implement it. 

This includes activities such as: 

Planning & Preparedness Document, Contract, and Form Examples

Mitigation Overview

FEMA describes “mitigation” as the "effort to reduce loss of life and property by lessening the impact of disasters." In order for mitigation to be effective, institutions should take action now—before the next disaster—to reduce loss or risk to collections later (analyze risk, reduce risk, and insure against risk).

For cultural institutions, having a solid understanding of your institution's risks and hazards will allow you to better communicate your emergency plans to employees, management, and board members and create a safe working environment for staff, researchers, volunteers and the general public.

Mitigation Document, Contract, and Form Examples

Response Overview

First and foremost, personal safety is more important than any collection. No one should be allowed into an affected area until emergency service personnel have declared the space to be safe. This may take time. Use this time to revisit your institution's emergency plan, contact and assemble your response team, and begin plans for your salvage efforts. 

***Special Note from the American Institute for Conservation***

Even after the building is deemed safe to enter, you still have to consider the following hazards: 

AIC Response Suggestions

Mobile Apps

Heritage Preservation Videos

Recovery Overview

It is important to know that the recovery process may take time. The goal is to stabilize the collection and avoid or reduce future risk. 

This may include: building repairs or renovations, conservation of the collection, or applications for grants or relief funding to support recovery efforts. 

Recovery Webinars

Recovery Document, Contract, & Form Examples

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