Texas Collections Emergency Resource Alliance
An Educational Resource for Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Texas Cultural Heritage Institutions
A part of the FAIC Alliance for Response (AFR) Network.
***Storm Resources***
Response and Salvage Resources for Cultural Heritage:
SI - PRICE - Emergency Documentation
FEMA - Save Your Family Treasures - Fact Sheets Available in English and Spanish
Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC) - Salvage at a Glance by Betty Walsh
Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) - Preservation Leaflets
National Archives - Objects Recovery
FAIC - Emergency Response and Salvage App - Apple Version
NHR Tip Sheet - Working With Recovery Vendors: What You Should Know
FAIC - Emergency (CAP) Program
FAIC - Find A Conservator
TX-CERA Quick Guide to Wet Salvage Posters - Books, Inorganic Objects, Magnetic & Optical Media, Paintings, Photographic Materials, Skin & Leather
(Visit the Resources Page for additional material.)
***Wildfire Resources***
TDEM Has Shared the Following Wildfire Resources:
Fire Fact Sheets & Safety Tips (Home Fire)
Wildfire / Soot Resources for Cultural Heritage:
NEDCC - Recommended Wildfire Resources for Cultural Heritage Organizations
NARA - Fire Safety Self Inspection Form for Cultural Institutions
SI - PRICE - Emergency Documentation
Chicora Foundation, Inc. - Protecting Your Institution From Wild Fires: Planning Not To Burn And Learning To Recover
TX-CERA - Soot Removal Resource
FEMA - After the Fire: Advice For Salvaging Damaged Family Treasures
Colorado-Wyoming Association of Museums - Ash Cleanup for Museums
Heritage Preservation Video - Soot & Ash (7:00)
Webinar: RCWR - Hands On! Detection and Cleaning of Soot
FAIC - Find A Conservator
(Visit the Resources Page for additional material.)
New Resources
FAIC - Emergency Planning Toolkit for Tribal Cultural Institutions
FAIC - Climate Resilience Resources
CCAHA - Picking Favorites: Strategies for Determining Salvage Priorities
Texas A&M Office of Climatologist - Assessment of Historic and Future Trends of Extreme Weather in Texas, 1900-2036
Department of Preventative Conservation - Cultural Heritage Safeguarding Plan (CHSP) Handbook
FEMA - Fact Sheet on Art & Culture: Helping People Before, During, & After Disasters PDF (Jan 2024)
FEMA and NEA - Webinar on Disaster Resources for Artists and Art and Cultural Institutions
FAIC - NHR After the Fire: Health and Safety Resources
FAIC - NHR After the Fire: Objects Salvage
FAIC - NHR After the Fire: Book and Paper Salvage
FAIC - Emergency Response and Salvage App - Apple Version
(Visit the Resources Page for additional material.)
Emergency Grant and Funding Opportunities
This is a rotating section of available disaster planning, response, and recovery grants or other funding opportunities for Cultural Institutions, Historic Sites, Museums, Archives or Special Collections.
Emergency Collections Assessment for Preservation (CAP) Program - The Emergency CAP is more flexible in that it does not adhere to the annual schedule of the regular CAP program. The goal is to help museums in federally declared disaster areas receive post-disaster collections care recommendations from conservation and building professionals on an expedited basis.
Texas Library Association (TLA) Disaster Relief Fund - The Texas Library Association awards grants to libraries impacted by natural disasters. Grants range from $2,500 to $5,000 and can be used for technology, facility repair, collections, furnishings, or other needs related to storm damage. Academic, public, school and special libraries are eligible to receive assistance.